August 13, 2009Blogging at the Legal EHR Summit in Chicago Next WeekWhat do e-Iatrogenesis, HIT, CPOE, EHR, and eDiscovery all have in common? They're just some of the many medicolegal and technological terms and issues being discussed next week at the Legal EHR Summit at the Chicago Marriott Downtown. The summit is organized by AHIMA, the American Health Information Management Association. As our nation's healthcare industry becomes even more computerized and integrated, partly due to ARRA (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009), the intersection of healthcare, electronic records, records management, and legal issues (including litigation and eDiscovery) will likely explode as well. I'll be attending and blogging as time and Wi-Fi access permits. Please feel free to look me up as I enjoy the many opportunities for discussions at these events. For the uninitiated, I've put together a quick cheat sheet for a few select terms below, along with their sources on the Web for more in-depth definitions: HIT: Health Information Technology
CPOE: Computerized Physician/Provider Order Entry - An electronic system that healthcare professionals can use to enter drug prescriptions and diagnostic orders, among other things. EHR (aka Legal EHR): Electronic Health Record
e-Iatrogenesis: "Patient harm caused at least in part by the application of health information technology."
Stay tuned for more blog posts on these topics . . .
Electronic Discovery
Posted by Jeff Beard |